Monday, November 26, 2007

Sorting, Packing, Scrubbing and Pondering:

Hmmmm, maybe I've figured out why I've been putting off sorting and organizing things. Over the past two days I've begun the arduous task of culling out summer garb, unpacking and sorting through winter wear. Have a nice pile of clothes to take to local thrift store, and the rest is fitting nicely into place. The bother is, as I sort and pack the summer clothing I'm realizing I may not see these clothes again till we unpack somewhere else.... in a new city, new state, or wherever. This is not something I'd like to think about right now, but must... none the less.

I suppose this monumental task will not end when our Tony gets home. With folks from parishes afar, coming to hear Tony preach in a couple of weeks, I must stay diligently on top of "what to keep", "what to pitch" and "what to donate", packing all the way along. Somehow I must find time for all my "to make" Christmas projects (I know... ACD, nothing home made for you- grin). Hmmm, maybe all this sorting and packing should wait for Advent to arrive, as it's truly, TRULY a penitential exercise!

What makes matters worse through this is the ongoing sense I've got a case of undiagnosed ADD. I dig into a room, begin working, then find something that needs to be in another room... head off to that other room with said something, then find myself digging into that room.... and it simply snowballs from there. Crazy making, I tell you!

Our African Grey, Ruby, has decided to help lighten the load a bit for me. She's discovered the wood shelf/cabinet where I've got my pottery and china. She's managed to crash one of my last Clavier Pottery Teapots, and an assortment of china cups! Naughty girl!!!

Short rest is over.... back to work for this Cinderella. More in a bit.


Just in case any of you are knitters or crocheters, I've stumbled upon an eBay seller whose got fabulous yarns at extremely reasonable prices. The eBay seller's store can be accessed by clicking HERE. If you're looking for some yummy yarns to make Christmas projects with, check it out. Or, if you're looking for some exciting wool or mohair blends, new yarn blends, cottons, acrylics, nylons and more. to create something wonderful with, Haley's Yarn is a vendor you need to check out.

Our Abbey aka Kelly Clocks'em- #212 Carolina Roller Girls:

Abbey sent me a link to a great photo taken of her during the last bout.
CLICK HERE to view it. I'm hoping to get a hard copy of it soon. She's very excited about the upcoming bout against #1 team in the nation.... as seen in her message from earlier today.

"I know, you can't get enough roller derby, right? Well, you're in luck because our last game of the All-Star season is this Sunday, December 2nd and it's gonna be a doozy. You probably heard the hype at the last game, but in case you didn't, Carolina Roller Girls is taking on the Kansas City Roller Warriors who are #1 in the nation...and who only beat us in Texas by 8 pts! So, I hope you all will be there for our shot at redemption and a fantastic way to close out the season. And to answer the question that is always asked, yes, I will be skating in this game. So be there! Let me know if any of you want advanced tickets and I'll make sure to get them to you by Thursday."

Fr. Tony Update:

Tomorrow's the big day, we hope. Another tube fell out earlier today, so now we're down to two. Dr. Craig came by later this evening and took a look. He thinks one of the tube holes (w/ tube still in it) might be infected, so we'll see what that means when tomorrow comes.

By now you should all be smelling a fresh lemony scent, or bleach, wafting from our little abode in Suncrest. Almost done with the cleaning. Thank goodness! Tomorrow will be a busy day, getting Tony home, Dr. appt for me, grocery store run, round up vehicles and sort them out, and take care of my Tony. Hopefully it will not be raining again tomorrow!

Must sleep..... tomorrow will be here soon.